You get a refund of all the money you have paid to Curology for your subscription plan supply or subject to the exception below for the first 90 days. This subscription has a 1-month trial and following 2-month supply of products, including shipping or many handling charges.
This article contains fantastic content for those who ask how to cancel Curology and refund as we have discussed this as thoroughly you want. You can cancel your Curology subscription via email and web and request a refund at any time on maybe before the 90th day.

What is Curology?
Curology is a US-based telemedicine start-up business that recommends a lot of customized skincare products to patients struggling with acne or other dermatological issues.
If you want to find out how to cancel Curoloy and Refund, then for all this, you need to fill an online questionnaire about your skin type and its condition; Curology customers receive a tailor-made cosmetic formula specially designed to address their concerns.
What is Curology Access Program, and How does it Work?
Curology Access Program gives full opportunity to the eligible participants to join its community with a free subscription for more than 2 years. The free subscription is provided to the Curology community or its employees as a free service.
It gives a 1000 fee 2-year subscription to the teenagers of plenty of families who qualify National School Lunch Program or maybe to the adults that fall into age 25 or under the category that provide documentation of financial need like WIC, SNAP, food stamps, and Medicaid etc.
You can sign up through a link located at the bottom of the home page at If there is no link, all 1000 subscriptions have been given to qualified individuals this month. So, you can try this next month.
How to Cancel Curology and Refund?
If you are not using Curology as much as before or are tired of paying for your subscription with Curology and now you are worried about how to cancel Curology and refund, then do not worry. We got you the easiest way to cancel your subscription with a customized skincare site.
It offers a personalized skincare option along with a licensed medical provider to cover your all-medical skincare needs. Curology advises you to give at least 90 days before canceling your services for your Curology membership.
This process can take more than 2 to 3 months for your skin to react to any medication.
Cancel Curology Plus via Web
The steps you need for how to cancel Curology and refund are straightforward and easy-going. You have to follow these steps to cancel it. You cancel Curlogy Plus via Web by following these mentioned steps.
- Log in to your account.
- In the drop-down menu, you need to select the payment page.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “I want to cancel” at the bottom.
- Answer the few follow–up questions.
- Provide reasons for canceling.
- In the end, you have to submit your request.
Cancel Curology Plus via Email
To cancel Curology Plus via Email, you have to do an email at support @ and request the cancellation of your subscription.
- Postponing a Shipment
When a shipment is purchased, it cannot be canceled as it is sent to the lab to be further formulated. Because of this, you can cancel the account 2 business days before a new shipment or adjust your shipment to ensure that these changes can be applied at any time.
All shipment process and the date of your next invoice is available on your shipping page. If you are not ready, you can go to your shipping page o postpone your next shipment, and these changes are not applicable for purchased ones and only applicable to the upcoming shipments.
Another important thing is the pausing or cancellation of your account, which does not cancel any shipment that has been purchased and sent for further processing.
- Unsubscribe from Our Email List
If you want to unsubscribe from the Curology email, then click Unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. You can get help from the Curology success team if you find any trouble in finding this link. They will surely be happy to unsubscribe you from future emails.
If you do not receive an email regarding the cancellation confirmation, your account has not to be canceled. To confirm your cancellation, you can also email the Curology success team at any time.
What is Curology’s Return Policy?
If we discuss its return policy, we can say that Curology does not accept, exchange, and process returns. They do not accept or exchange bottles, cleansers, and moisturizers for a refund. In addition, they do not work to exchange for an alternate formula.
For receiving the shipment, you can contact the Success team of Curology, and you can also adjust your next shipping date for 2 business days.
To ensure that you have the least time to request these changes and be alerted before shipment processes, you can opt into the pre-shipping text alerts through your account settings.
Once this shipment process ends after billing or formulation, then it cannot be canceled. You can see your next shipping date, which is always available on your shipping page.
How to Update Your Payment Information?
You have to head to your payment screen to update the payment method at any time. If you would like confirmation that your payment method is updated or not, text to the Curology success team.
There are many forms of payments to set up your Curology subscription. You will need to enter a credit, debit card, or maybe a PayPal account. They accept Master Card, Discover, American Express, Apple Pay, Visa, and PayPal, etc.
They also accept HAS (Health Savings Account) and FSA (Flexible Spending Account) cards for the shipments sent after the trial period. They do not accept pre-paid cards.
Furthermore, it is entirely based upon your HAS and FSA providers, so there is a need to confirm that Curology qualifies under your plan.
Curology is telemedicine set up for many skincare products beneficial to people suffering from acne or other dermatological issues. There will be no issue about how to cancel Curology and refund if you read this article thoroughly.
All the updates must be submitted 2 business days before your shipment to apply to the upcoming invoice. Hope this article is much informative to solve your queries and if you have any query feel free to ask in the below comment section.