Games publisher created the Ea, a sprawling subscription service that gives a lot of subscribers access to a massive library of games with free content, subscriber exclusives, and free trials of EA releases to boot. Is Ea subscription worth it?
There is an EA play in recent times, which is a re-branded version of Ea access and origin access. It has been together under the same banner to simplify many things. This article covers what is Ea, how Ea play works, how much it costs, and what it’s worth.

What Is Ea?
Ea stands for Electronic Arts, and there are more than 70 big-name games lie in EA’s vault-like FIFA 17, Mass effect 3, Titanfall, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare, Crysis 3, Dragon Age, Dragon Age: Inquisition, SimCity 4, many other great names.
Ea is a monthly subscription service currently available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC through Origin and Steam. Here, you will find a good chunk of games is older EA games formed for MS-DOS like Ultima Series.
All the games contain one similarity: that they all are created and published by Ea. Moreover, some more miniature indie games were not published by Ea in the library.
How Does Ea Work?
To play these games on Ea is just like playing games on Origin. For those who ask, is Ea subscription worth it? There is a piece of complete information like If you subscribe to the service, you can download these games to your PC and play them free as if you have purchased them.
When your subscription expires, you cannot play these games even, and they are installed on your system. If you face this, then you have to resubscribe or purchase it again to play that game.
And when you purchase anything on Origin, you will get a 10% discount, and when any new game is released, you will be able to download and play it 5 days before anything else.
Is Ea Subscription Worth It?
This is the most asked question by people; whether it is worth it or not depends on you. It works at $5 per month or $2.5 per month. If you commit for one year, this subscription is not expensive compared to their similar services.
If you compare Microsoft Xbox Game Pass with Ea, you must know its worth, as Microsoft Xbox Game Pass costs a whopping $10 per month. And it offers older Xbox 360 games, and it does not offer any discount or any prerelease access.
If you are interested in buying plenty of games on Origin, you may know the saving money method by going with a subscription. Getting a 10% discount on a $60 game means you can save approximately $6.
This saving of $6 is more than the cost of your month’s subscription if you are paying them monthly or 2 months and if you are paying yearly for it.
What Is Ea’s Origin Access?
Its subscription provides an offer that means access to a few games. Unlike on the console, it is not possible to purchase inexpensive used copies of Ea games.
There are only two options for you: whether you have to wait to get them on sale or purchase these games at the total price. In addition, a fee subscription gets you access to any other games, and if your subscription expires, you will automatically lose access to these games.
Look at the library and consider which game you want to play and how much it costs to pay a subscription vs buying them outright.
Is Ea’s Origin Access Worth It?
Origin access is a fantastic deal if you have free time to play games and want to tear through the game’s library. But it would be a worse dealing if you have no time for games and find yourself only getting through games a year.
Furthermore, Origin Access offers a week-long free trial so that you can try it. If you are not interested in Origin Access, you can use this trial to play a game or 2 for free or get a big discount on the game you are about to buy.
Before this procedure, make sure that you cancel your subscription afterward if you do not want to keep paying for it, or they will start to charge you.
Is Ea Access Worth It on Console?
Ea’s Origin Access is a great deal on PC, and it depends on what you are looking for. Here, games probably look like Netflix and Hulu than ever before. You can get more games to play for a simple monthly fee.
Even in recent times, console games were limited to the service offered by the Console’s manufacturer. As Ea’s service is on PC so, Origin access has many offers for its monthly fee. Ea has a considerable backlog of Pc games to offer to date back to the 90s era.
Ea access to the console is limited because of the console generation. It is said that this service costs $4.99 / month and $29.90 / month. In simple words, less than the cost of any single new game, you can get access to the relatively sizeable library of games.
Is Ea’s Access on PS4 & Xbox One Worth Buying?
Many parents and gamers ask, “is Ea subscription worth it” and “is Ea access worth it” and we are here to answer you.
Ea access contains full versions of more than 50 games from the Ea catalogue, including many famous titles like Madden 20, The Sims 4, Need for Speed Payback, Battlefield V, FIFA 19, etc.
Here, subscribers also get a discount on the purchase that can cover the cost of paying Ea Access over time.
On Xbox, you can get access to full games with Xbox Games Pass that may be a better buy for people who play the game and do not want to Ea games. We can say that it may be a great subscription in addition to Ea Access.
Final Words
Ea is an Electronic Arts which is an American video game company and gives access to its subscriber’s plenty of games.
This article contains all information related to Ea and most probably about is Ea subscription worth it. It is worth it or not is really up to you, on our gaming skills or interest.
It is a monthly subscription service with a great library of games and a few small indie games. I hope this site helps you to solve your queries as much as you want to acquire.